Monday, May 23, 2005 - 12:59

Website Progress

So I've decided on the look for my new website, and I'm actually really happy with it. I seriously miss my laptop, and I'm really glad that I decided to order one, because it's much more fun to work on the website while I'm sitting downstairs watching tv in my comfy (if not-so-much working) recliner rather than sitting upstairs at my pc on a decidedly un-comfy typist chair.

And I really miss the DSL connection - dial-up sucks. I keep forgetting to look at something while I'm connected, and then I can't wait until later when I know I'm going to dial up again; no, I have to go and dial up right away. Telkom is so gonna love me this month. For those non-South Africans reading this: DSL is majorly expensive in SA, so most home users use dial-up, where the monthly fee is smaller; the catch is, we pay for local calls as well, so every second you spend on the net is costing you. It's cheaper in the evenings and over weekends, but still.

Here's a rough screenshot (think cardboard cutout type prototype) of how I plan for the site to look. I'd appreciate any comments or suggestions, since I'm really not a graphic designer or anything close!

While I'm asking for advice, where should I get this website hosted? I'm really not bothered about getting my own domain, and I don't need much in the way of storage space, scripting capabilities, or anything fancy. What I'd like is ftp & browser upload facilities, and a minimum of advertising (I don't mind adding text or images to my page, but I'd really like to avoid popups, banner ads, and other equally annoying techniques). Oh, and did I mention I'd like it free? :-) Yeah, I know, but I hate being committed to paying $s for something that I'd like to be at least semi-permanent, when I don't know what the exchange rate is likely to be doing. Any suggestions?



At 25/5/05 23:28, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hellkom has links about cheap/free hosting.

a friend of mine wanted to host his site and he went with.. dang. Drop me a line sometime if you're still looking. I was the chair-bidder on freecycle!


At 5/6/05 14:07, Blogger CJ said...

I'm probably going to go with - they're free, no ads, ftp & browser uploads, their speed seems reasonable. Max file size of 200Kb, but I can live with that since it's really a pretty simple site (no multimedia!).


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