Saturday, August 05, 2006 - 23:03

Officially a Womble

Yay, found the cable to connect my mobile to my PC - thought I'd have
to write this entire post on my vario, and while it does have a qwerty
keyboard it would have been rather painful. As it is, I apologise for
the sig and stuff at the bottom - I'm emailing this directly to
blogger, rather than going through the blogger site as normal.

And the reason for that is that I'm now mostly moved in to my new
flat! I still have one load of stuff to bring from the old place, but
I'll do that tomorrow. Everything's still in boxes, but luckily I
manged to find the cable.

I'm exhausted. I've been moving stuff all day, and now I'm tired.
And of course, when you're tired everything just seems so
depressing... the flat itself is nice, small but nice and bright, and
very safe. But there's a bunch of stuff that I would have thought
would come with a furnished flat, but obviously doesn't: like a TV, a
kettle, iron, toaster, hopefully a microwave; some crockery, cutlery,
and even just a phone handset. None of it's really an issue, I can go
buy it all without a problem, but it's another thing I've got to get
done. There seems to be a lot less cupboard space than in my old
place, so even though I'm essentially moving from a room to an entire
flat, I think I'm going to struggle to find places to put everything.

So I want to start unpacking - I hate things being unsettled, and I'm
worried about the things in boxes getting squished - but I don't know
where to put things, so in a way I don't even want to start. And
while I'm sure the previous person did clean before they left, there
are some things that I'd prefer to clean myself first. I guess I've
made some progress; I've bought cleaning stuff and packed that away.
Maybe making a list of the things I need to do will help. But... I
dunno. It's not that I'm lonely, exactly, because I'm used to being
by myself and it's really nice to have the entire flat to myself. But
I don't have a TV, I don't really have anything to read, and I don't
have internet access yet (luckily I do via my mobile, otherwise I'd go
insane. But it's not much use for general browsing). So I feel a bit
disconnected... not that anyone's online to talk to anyway, because
I'm signed in on my mobile and I can see that no-one's there either on
google talk or msn (yeah, some people actually have a life on a
Saturday night!). And I'm tired, so everything seems worse... hence
this post, just to feel like there's some connection between me and
the outside world. I'll probably end up going to bed really early,
because otherwise the longer I sit here by myself not doing anything
the more likely I am to work myself into a desperately lonely state
where I'm just desperate to talk to someone, except that there's
no-one to talk to, so I get more lonely... it's a bad cycle, and I
don't want to get into it. I'm playing MP3s, just so it's not so
quiet, but even there I need to be careful what I listen to otherwise
it can also trigger the cycle.

Okay. So lets make a list of what I need to do. Not in any
particular order, because the prioritization of the list is an issue
in itself :-(
- decide how to arrange the furniture in the lounge
- move the non-unpacked boxes and stuff from the lounge into the bedroom
- buy a tv
- read through the argos catalog to get some idea of prices for the
stuff I need to buy
- phone bt to get my phoneline sorted
- organise internet access once the phoneline's working
- phone the gas, electricity, water people to change the accounts into my name
- switch the council tax into my name and apply for a single-occupant
discount online (can do this at work on Tuesday)
- phone the landlady about the gas bill that arrived today
- vacuum the lounge
- wipe down the kitchen countertops
- decide what kitchen stuff can be thrown out
- figure out how to use the washing machine
- clean the oven
- figure out how to use the shower (it's more complicated than it sounds)
- buy all the stuff I need but don't have (leaving out the things that
I might need, but might never actually use, like a kettle)

Now the difficult part: the bedroom.
- move the vacuum cleaner, ironing board and folding chairs currently
in the wardrobe to somewhere less in the way
- wipe down the one shelf in the wardrobe
- somehow clean the canvas hanging shelves in the wardrobe
- vacuum the bedroom floor
- pack away the stuff I emptied out of my suitcase onto the bed to go
back for another load
- pick a box and unpack it (remembering that I can always move things
around later if I want)
- pick another box and unpack it (and repeat until all boxes/suitcases
are unpacked)
- empty at least one box for the last load tomorrow
- pack all the stuff I can't throw away but don't want into another box
- wipe down the bookcase, bedside cupboard and cd racks
- pack stuff I'm not going to use anytime soon (like sleeping bag and
suitcases) into suitcase and store suitcase under bed
- wash clothes for work on tuesday
- be glad that I'm taking monday off
- wash bedding, etc
- get some sleep
- take library books back to old library
- sign up at new library

There, that sounds almost reasonable. It's not quite that simple of
course, but maybe for now I can fool myself that it is :-) I just
wish that someone was signed in to chat to. But then I'd have to stop
talking to them at some point anyway, I guess. But still. But I know
everything will seem better tomorrow when I'm not so tired, and I
really am glad that I have my own place. But I need a TV, and I need
proper internet access.

Okay, now I'm just going to start repeating myself. Let me transfer
this to my mobile and post it off, and then make a start on the
bedroom. If only so that it's ready to start unpacking clothes into



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