Tuesday, October 03, 2006 - 22:04

Bikes and Internet - More Trouble Than They're Worth

So, I'm still bike-less - it was supposed to be coming today, and it seemed very definite this time. But at the last minute (again) it was postponed until tomorrow.

And my internet connection is.... problematic, again. It connects, it says it's connected and that the signal's excellent, but it's as if the DNS server is down because I can't go anywhere or sign in to msn or googletalk. This is how it started last week, and I've only just got that resolved! It's yo-yoing tonight, though - it'll be fine, then down, then up, then down. Even had a problem connecting via the cable, although it seems stable-ish now. I just wish I knew where the problem was - router, wireless, isp, other people connecting to my network and stealing my bandwidth? (Shouldn't be the last one - I do have security in place, although nothing's foolproof. But it's as good an explanation as any). I just hate having an unreliable connection. And there's no reason for it being unreliable, it's not like it's new unproven technology!

I dunno, I'm not even angry about it all tonight. I'm just getting so used to it, I'm more resigned than anything else. Which is kinda sad, in itself.

On a more positive note, today is anti-DRM day, so go out there and don't support DRM!



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