Monday, December 19, 2005 - 09:17

Festive Google

So apparently Google's hidden some Christmas easter eggs - by searching for certain terms, you get a christmas-decorated page.

If you're in the US, that is.

If you're not, apparently you don't celebrate Christmas and don't rate the decorations.

Using, I don't get any decorations. Using, I still don't get any decorations.

Which means that even though I'm using, google is still tracking my location and 'customizing' the search results for me.

This is not what I want. If I'm searching from, then it might be okay. But surely should be the same for everyone? Localization can be a great tool, but it can also be an exclusionary tool.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, I used to be very pro-Google, but now not so much. And I see that they've further compromised their integrity via their deal with AOL - "Google, which prides itself on the purity of its search results, agreed to give favored placement to content from AOL throughout its site, something it has never done before," reports the New York Times. (via The Register).



At 19/12/05 16:26, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am in the US and I cannot see any of these either.

At 19/12/05 16:34, Blogger Trev said...

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At 20/12/05 01:26, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Me neither -- I'm in the US, but no decorations for me.

At 20/12/05 01:28, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OH! They're along the right hand side. I was looking for something in the Google logo ... but no, it's that a graphic has replaced the normally plain bar between the search results and the ads.

I can't believe I wasted so much brainpower on this.


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