Tuesday, August 08, 2006 - 09:40

moving in, continued

It seems I don't have blogger set up to automatically publish posts
that I email in, so I'll have to try to login quicly from work to
change that and publish these two posts - won't have time to format
them, so again sorry about the poor formatting and sig at the end.

I'm kinda settling in to the new flat - got most of the accounts
chaned into my name; bought most of the household stuff that didn't
come with the flat (like a toaster, and an iron, and crockery and
cutlery), but I still have to get a microwave and tv and floor lamp.
I'll try to order those today and have them delivered on Saturday (no
way I'm even going to consider carrying all that home myself, even
though argos is just down the road).

I also need to find the best route to work - I can take the district
line, which is easy since there are no changes and no buses (unless I
catch the bus from my place to the station, which is minor). Or I can
take a SouthWest train to waterloo, and then catch a bus from there to
work. That'll be a lot quicker, but I need to find out which buses I
can take. So today I'm just taking the district line (and since most
of the first part is overland, I've already learned that the
west-facing side of the train is better, othrwise you have the sun in
your face, which is a bit bright for this time of the morning).

One of the most important things I need to sort out is the phone line
- BT said it would be working by 6 yesterday evening, but it wasn't.
They said that while 'the computer' said it would be, if it wasn't
they'd have to send out an engineer, which would only be on the 23rd!
And according to Tiscali it can take 15 days to get broadband set up
from when you apply! I can't go without internet for that long.
That'd be more than a month without decent internet access, and even
though I have my mobile's gprs connection, I just can't wait that
long. I can't! But I'm not going to panic (just keep saying that,
maybe it'll become true) - I'm going to phone bt this morning and find
out what the status is. Maybe someone just forgot to click OK or
something. Hopefully. Please.

Anyway, the flat's mostly nice, and it'll be better once I get
everything unpacked. There are a bunch of things I don't like, so in
my next post I'm going to list them all and maybe I'll see that most
of them either can be fixed or aren't that bad. Part of the problem
is that I'm comparing to my house back inj SA, rather than to the
shared flat I've just moved out of. No, it won't be perfect because
it's not mine; but it's better than where I was and while it's
slightly less temporary than that was, it's still not for ever. It's
not like I'm spending the rest of my life there!



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