Tuesday, January 03, 2006 - 21:24

Nashua Mobile - A Seriously Confused Company

Now it's well known that the telecommunications industry in SA is totally useless. Telkom, MTN, Vodacom, Cell C.... the complaints about the telecoms service providers are endless. But the higher level service providers are just as bad, if not worse.

I have a 2-year contract with Nashua Mobile. I got a contract because the cost per call is cheaper on contract, you get a free cellphone, and ... umm.... I'm not quite sure, tbh. But be that as it may, I have a 2 year contract, which ends late July. But I'm going to London early March, so my contract won't be much use to me. I can give it to my mom, but I'd rather not pay for something that I'm not going to use. So I emailed Nashua Mobile to find out what the penalty would be if I cancelled my contract early. Remember that this is the company that is seriously confused about encryption.

First off, they email me back asking for my cellphone number. Which was in the very first line of the email I sent them.

But it gets worse. I pay R99 per month for my contract. If I cancelled at the end of March, I would have 4 months left and thus would still have R396 to pay them. I would think that the early cancellation penalty would be, maybe, considering how dumb the industry is in this country, as much as I have left on my contract. Guess how much they want to charge me? R975.

It's totally insane. I emailed them to ask them to check the figures, and got the reply that the extra is to cover the cost of the handset that I received on the contract. At this point I just gave up - how do you even begin to explain how totally absurd that is?



At 8/1/06 14:33, Blogger Amanda said...

That is... I'm speechless with voyeuristic outrage! How absolutely ridiculous!! I'm sure there must be some sort of ombudsman you could complain to or something! This post definitely deserves a link on my South African business (non)sense post (rants and raves of my own about the stupidity of SA businesses)oa


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